Several years ago there was a small ceramic bowl that I coveted at the local antiquarian's shop.  It is from the turn of the previous century, with a simply painted rabbit bounding through flowers, in green, blue, yellow and red.  I pleaded with the proprietor to sell it to me for at least a year, but he preferred to continue to stub his cigarettes out in it.   One day as I passed his shop on my way up to the piazza it occurred to me to tell him the translation of my name in Italian.  “Conigliera? (rabbit warren) Non è vero (no way)!”  He burst out laughing.  I left him bent over, wheezing and gasping for air (he smoked a lot at the time) and went up to do the days shopping.  On my way back he came out of the shop and presented the bowl to me as a gift, but with the stipulation that my home be from that time known as “Casa Conigliera.”  My home really is very much like a warren, so it seemed a good name.  In time I named the wine I produce La Conigliera, and now, also, my website.   

                                                                                                                   Chris Warren

La Befana

 Omaggio alla Grotta../Grotta/Invite.html

         Chapter 1

Feasts From Paradiso

     2008  Art show../Grotta/Invite.html
  Recent Sculptures../Sculptures/Blank.html
     ca. 2008- 2018../Sculptures/Blank.html
  All the Noise of It../All_the_Noise_of_It/Book.html

I Foodini

      Cooking Videos

  Apartment rental

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    Book published 2018

 Feasts From Paradiso../Feasts_from_Paradiso/Feasts.html
     Book published 2020../Feasts_from_Paradiso/Feasts.html
I Foodini../The_Magical_Cookery_of_I_Foodini/Foodini.html
Book published 2022../The_Magical_Cookery_of_I_Foodini/Foodini.html